Invest Locally - Start a Team
Start a Local Movement
Join us in protecting the vulnerable, setting captives free, and bringing hope and healing to the oppressed as neighborhoods are transformed.
Set Free Movement leaders in the U.S. & around the world do this through:
Join the Movement
Start with prayer and seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance. Pray for clarity on how you, your church, and community should be involved in the fight against human trafficking.
1 : Pray
2 : Contact Us
Complete the contact form below to let us know you’re interested in starting a Set Free Movement team. We will send you documents to help with the following steps and are here to support you every step of the way!
3 : Gather a Team
Bring together other like-minded individuals from your church, workplace, school, or community to form a team. Even starting out with 2 or 3 other committed people who meet regularly is a great way to begin. You don’t need to start off by DOING. Focus first on BEING together: praying, discussing, sharing, connecting relationally.
4 : Learn Together
Begin studying human trafficking—not only internationally, but at the local level, too. Look into your own community and identify ways that human trafficking might be a symptom of deeper problems (ie: addictions, racism, poverty, abuse, etc.) We can help you find study resources.
5 : Network
Get to know other anti-trafficking or relevant groups and partner with them in ways that make sense. There’s no need to recreate the wheel—and no way you can do this alone!
6 : Strategize + Engage
Every step previously informs and leads you to begin long-term planning with your team. The entire process is cyclical—never stop praying, learning, networking, and engaging.
Team leaders lead a community-based team in more involved local initiatives like ongoing programs. Team leaders join an onboarding training cohort, network and learn alongside other leaders, and have organizational requirements such as a leader agreement and monthly reporting.
Champions engage with the SFM in more casual ways. Champions could help host a one-time event, assist with building awareness, or whatever makes sense in your context. Think of Champions as dedicated volunteers, ready to fight trafficking in creative ways in their communities.
Complete the form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as we can.
Once you fill-out the contact form to let us know you want more information about starting a team in your community, you will be contacted by SFM staff. New leaders are invited to join an onboarding cohort that includes 5 introductory sessions on the Set Free Movement and how to lead a local team. From there you begin to form a team and start the process of discerning how to address the issue of human trafficking in your local context (see the Join the Movement section above). You will be regularly supported by the SFM staff for any questions or resources your team may need along the way.
No, there is no cost to start a SFM team. You are invited to financially partner with SFM to help cover the costs of the training and support provided by SFM to launch your local SFM team. You can set up a monthly or one-time gift here.
-Exclusive access to online groups through social media and email.
-Easy access to Set Free materials and resources through an exclusive website portal.
-Invitations to Set Free Leader gatherings.
-Quarterly support calls with other SFM leaders.
-Regular support and check-in call with SFM staff members.
“My calling to this movement began with a movement of the Holy Spirit and being broken over the injustice of modern day slavery. My world and that of many of those in our Set Free team has expanded to include ministries in Southeast Asia and partnerships with our neighbors and organizations in Jackson as we seek to create different futures for those that are vulnerable and marginalized. It hasn’t always been easy, and at times really hard, but how amazing to see God work and answer prayer. We are being changed as we walk in obedience. ”
— Matt Osborne, Set Free Team Leader in Michigan
We seek to rebuild community.
Complete the contact form below to let us know you’re interested in starting a Set Free Movement team. We will send you documents to help with the following steps and are here to support you every step of the way!
We look forward to hearing from you, and will get back in touch as soon as possible!