Our impact in 2023
A letter from the Director
We have a bold vision to influence more than 1 million people towards freedom.
There are more than 50,000,000 people enslaved in our world today.
The suffering is off the charts. The Set Free Movement is compelled to act
and we are having transformational impact.
Since 2010, the Set Free Movement has launched more than 55 freedom projects and programs around the globe, mobilized thousands of people, and produced numerous meaningful resources. We are now working in 14 countries in the direction of freedom. Each Set Free leader is offering hope and healing in their communities in ways that are meaningful to their local context. We are making a real difference.
Together we can protect more people. Together we can offer more hope.
Rev. Dr. Kevin Austin, Founder and Director

Our vision is to see the vulnerable, protected, captives set free, and the oppressed experiencing hope and healing as neighborhoods are transformed.
Our progress since 2015:
205,930+ people trained to take action.
22,359+ times we directly supported survivors or people at-risk.
34,676+ youth reached and trained to stay safe.
55+ freedom programs and projects have been launched.
Expanded our reach from 5 countries in 2015 to 14 countries in 2023.
Our 2023 Impact⬇
Our programs like Fostering Hope and Wunders transform communities and provide new futures for those most vulnerable to trafficking.
1,200+ girls & women were equipped with menstrual kits & education in 6 countries through Wunders.
1,690+ survivors or at risk people supported globally.
70+ youth engaged in prevention & awareness building in Cambodia.
Dozens of foster parents participated in Foster Family Support Groups through our Fostering Hope program.
We are having Transformational Impact
Sokleap, Set Free leader in Cambodia at human trafficking training
Our new Set Free leader Sokleap is mobilizing churches to come alongside youth to protect them from trafficking, specifically online sexual exploitation. In Cambodia, 1 in 10 children were subjected to online sexual abuse and exploitation in recent years.* We are helping combat this number by hosting online safety trainings in 5 different communities.
We are Protecting those Vulnerable to Human Trafficking
Through training, awareness initiatives, and on-the-ground interventions we are directly supporting children and youth.
390 youth were supported through Fostering Hope.
146 children returned to their families or a safe home in India.
15,000+ people engaged globally.
90+ at-risk individuals were supported in Hungary through prevention initiatives and awareness activities at safe homes and children's homes and 22 handmade blankets were delivered to children living in state homes.
Ken, our Set Free leader in the Philippines, collaborates with local churches, social service agencies, and universities to educate youth, parents, and pastors on the risks of online sexual exploitation. She also mobilizes churches to safeguard children in the community. She shared “Youth now understand that there are opportunities as well as risks when they go online. There are ways of maximizing the use of the internet while securing their safety.”
We are Mobilizing Faith Communities & All Sectors of Society
The Set Free Movement is mobilizing communities in the direction of freedom. SFM leaders engage in creative ways in their communities to protect those most vulnerable to human trafficking.
3,760 people in 124 churches from 12 countries participated in Freedom Sunday in Latin America.
More than 280 times Set Free Movement leaders engaged with local officials and law enforcement, nonprofit organizations, businesses, churches, schools, task forces, and other community partners.
11 self-defense classes hosted for community members with local law enforcement in Pennsylvania.
106 people participated in the annual freedom run in California.
Vickie Turlock, CA- For the past 8 years Vickie and the Set Free team in Turlock, CA have hosted an annual Freedom Run and Festival. This year’s event was held in September 2023 and more than 100 people joined in on the fun! This event raises awareness about human trafficking in their local area and provides space for important community conversations.
50 pastors were taught by director Kevin Austin about human trafficking and Love Driven Justice in Cambodia and Thailand.
30 people participated in our E320 prayer group
Through our scholarship fund, Set Free leader Yvonne was able to complete a community development certification. This certification will help Yvonne lead the transformational work that Thrive is doing to mentor young women and so much more in Kenya.
Set Free Movement is working to build strong networks with Latino churches in the United States, working on translating our core documents and resources into Spanish.
We are Partnering Strong & Investing
in Leaders
Rita and her team connect people and organizations working to fight human trafficking in Michigan. Through events like documentary showings and Freedom Forums, the team is working to build bridges between service providers and key community networks to come alongside those most vulnerable to human trafficking.
Stories from the Field
Our Financials
Thank you! We appreciate all of our Set Free leaders and members, key partner agencies, donors, and Percent for Freedom partners who come alongside this transformational work!
Programs & Projects: 91.6%
Operation Support, Administration & Fundraising: 8.4%
Beginning Net Assets: $29,950
Revenue: $530,943
Expenses: $554,472
Programs & Projects: $507,896.35
Operation Support, Administration & Fundraising: $46,575.65
Ending Net Assets: $6,421
2023 Impact
Wunders equips girls and women with locally made sustainable menstrual health supplies and community-informed education so that they can thrive.
Wunders is a program of the Set Free Movement. Learn more at WundersPartners.org.
Looking Ahead
We have a bold vision to impact 1 million people for freedom.
To accomplish this vision we are seeking to raise up prayer warriors, strategic partners, and more than $1,000,000.
New Generous Donors
Strategic Church Partners
Coming Soon
Committed Prayer Partners
Business Partners
You also have a role in this movement.
We ask that you prayerfully consider
helping us realize our goal of raising $1,190,000 over the next 18 months over and above our ongoing budget needs.
Give by Check
Make check out to: Set Free Movement
Send to: Set Free Movement
7602 50th Place NE Marysville, WA 98270
For more information about planned gifts: tedd@setfreemovement.org
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Make a Single Gift
We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization under the Free Methodist Church USA.