Human Trafficking Awareness

In the shadows of our bustling lives lies a haunting truth—one that is hard to confront but impossible to ignore. Human trafficking, a hideous force, has mutated into one of the world's largest consumer industries, ensnaring a staggering 50 million people*. It's not a distant issue; it's in the fabric of our daily lives, infiltrating the food we consume, the products we purchase, and the clothes we wear. In the US alone, it is estimated that human trafficking generates more than $169.6 billion in trade goods*, such as technology, lumber, and garments. It preys on vulnerability, thriving in the dark corners unless we choose to become informed, activated, and take resolute action.

This industry thrives on the exploitation of individuals. Why is this so profitable? Unlike drugs or alcohol, a person can be sold over and over again. Subjected to forced labor, an estimated 28 million people* endure indescribable physical and emotional abuse. The sinister practices extend to around 22 million being forced into marriage.* Last year alone, an estimated 12 million children* were enslaved. Some were sold into slavery by family members, who were driven by desperation or, heartbreakingly, greed.

To their captors, these people are mere currency, a resource to be exploited, but to us, they are human—each with dignity, a name, a future, and a purpose. 

In the great expanse of the human trafficking industry, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, and that's precisely why we started the Set Free Movement. Our founder, Kevin Austin, dreamt of eradicating human trafficking at its roots. We initiate change by forging deep connections with vulnerable communities, pinpointing their needs, and providing them with the tools to defy exploitation and embrace hope.

This year, our ambitions extend far beyond the 11 countries where we already partner, breathing hope into those who feel hopeless. Join us. By coming alongside the Set Free Movement,, you can become a force for change. In a world where an estimated 50 million people* are enslaved in modern-day slavery, your support becomes the catalyst for transformative change. Sustain the momentum by joining us—sign up your church for Freedom Sunday, support and expand our programs with your generous donations, unite with us in fervent prayer, or carve your path through the Set Free Movement's community groups.

Let us not just acknowledge the harsh reality but stand united in our determination to change it.

*Walk Free Foundation, Global Slavery Index 2023 Accessed: January 5, 2024


Spiritual Warfare against Human Trafficking


Wunders: An Anti-Trafficking Program