What Does Restoring Survivors Look Like?

It's more than a house - it's a home where hearts are transformed.

It's more than a program - it's a new way of life. 

For the women at Eden's Glory, restoration starts with facing the past, shedding the shame, and seeking the truth, all in a supportive environment. 


It's identifying how one woman's addiction was motivated by thrill-seeking and then channeling that into a healthier activity like rock climbing.


It's supporting another survivor to pursue her GED, which is also a spiritual victory since she grew up believing the enemy's lie that she will never be smart enough to finish school.


In the last year and a half, the team at Eden's Glory has supported 7 women in their path to healing.


One of those women recently celebrated her one-year anniversary of living at Eden's Glory. Another is marking the longest period of time she's been sober since childhood. Last year, one of the residents prayed: "Jesus, I am giving you my heart. I am sorry that it is bruised and broken, but I am hoping you will stitch it up.” These are all significant steps in the restoration process.


Read more about how lives are being restored and hearts are transforming at Eden's Glory in their 2016 impact report.


Eden's Glory & Freedom Sunday


Over the last 6 years, offerings from Freedom Sunday have raised more than $800,000 and launched 17 freedom projects, including Eden's Glory. In February 2015, Eden's Glory was one of three Freedom Sunday projects and officially opened its doors a few months later in September to female survivors of human trafficking. 


This year, Freedom Sunday is September 24, 2017, and offerings will support the work of Set Free's foster care ministry in Seattle, ICCM's work in partnership with Restavek Freedom to address child slavery in Haiti, and Set Free's emerging team in the Philippines.


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Crisis in the Philippines